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The Freshman Research Initiative offers many 'research streams' in which undergraduate students work alongside scientists to make discoveries. Read more about each research stream and the faculty members and research educators leading them below. Search by related major or simply browse by your research interests.

**Fall-start streams are NOT AVAILABLE on the Stream Sort Form**






Credit Options:

Spring: CH204 & NSC109, Fall: BIO206L & BIO177 (Wr Flag), BIO377, or CH369K

Behavioral Neuroscience

Behavioral Neuroscience

Big Data in Biology

Big Data in Biology

Credit Options: Spring and Fall



Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109, CH204 & NSC109, Fall: BIO377 & CH369K

BioDiversity Discovery

Biodiversity Discovery



Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109, Fall: BIO377


Biomedical Imaging and Analysis (Formerly Brain Pathology)


Credit Option: NSC 309 Lab Meeting Time: M 4-5 PM



Credit Options: Spring & Fall

Bugs in Bugs

Bugs in Bugs

Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109 (M 4-5PM), Fall: BIO377


Computational Evolution


Computational Evolution

What can the evolution of self-replicating computer programs tell us about evolution in nature?

Research on self-replicating computer programs (digital organisms) enables students to experience evolution in action and to perform evolutionary experiments that would take years to complete with natural organisms.  Digital organisms evolve to perform computational tasks. Completion of these tasks rewards the organisms with resources they can use to replicate faster and gain a competitive edge.  Over time, faster-replicating organisms out-compete slower-replicating ones. Hence, the organisms evolve to complete increasingly complex tasks, in a manner that parallels the evolution of natural organisms.  This stream is a good option for students who want to learn about computer science and evolutionary biology. This stream will be accepting transfer students for the 2014/2015 academic year.

Click here to read more about the Computational Evolution Stream.

Credit Options: BIO 321 or CS 378  Lab Meeting Time: M 4–5 PM

Discovering Signals

Discovering Signals 

Credit Options: Spring & Fall

DIY Diagnostics

DIY Diagnostics

Credit Options: Spring & Fall




Fish Behavior

Fish Behavior

Measuring the coevolution of cognition and behavioral tradeoffs in fish

Functional Genomics

Functional Genomics 

Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109, CH204 & NSC109, Fall: BIO377 & CH369K

Gene Detectives

Gene Detectives


Gene Networks

Gene Networks

Credit Options: Spring & Fall 

Genome Engineering

Genome Engineering

Credit Option: Spring:BIO206L & NSC109Fall: BIO 377

Glow Worms

Glow Worms

Maker Space

Maker Space

Microbe Hackers

 Microbe Hackers 

Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109, or CH204 & NSC109, Fall: BIO377 or CH369K

Molecular Switches

Molecular Switches

Course Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109 (M 3-4PM), Fall: BIO377

Neuroscience of Synapses


How do brain cells (neurons) and their connections (synapses) mediate learning and memory?

Synapses form neural circuits in the brain. Nanoscale imaging in the electron microscope is needed to determine where synapses are located and whether changes in synapse structure and composition are associated with learning and memory. Students engaged in this stream learn to identify, reconstruct in 3D, measure and analyze neuronal structures including: dendrites, axons, synapses, and subcellular components involved in synapse function. Opportunities exist to engineer improved computer imaging tools. Projects provide a strong foundation for understanding fundamental brain mechanisms. This stream will be accepting transfer students for the 2014/2015 academic year.

Visit the SynapseWeb for more information.

Credit Options: NSC 309, BIO 206L/BIO 102C  Lab Meeting Time: T 4:00 PM

Plant Pathways

Plant Pathways

Credit Options: Spring: BIO206L & NSC109, Fall: BIO377

Practical Sensors (ARI)

Practical Sensors (ARI Only)

Supra Sensors

Supra Sensors

Credit Options: Spring: CH204 & NSC109 or BIO206L & NSC109, Fall: BIO377 & CH369K

Urban Ecosystems

Urban Ecosystems 

Virtual Cures (FRI & ARI)

 Virtual Cures (FRI & ARI)



Results 1 - 31 of 31